Editorial Board


Founder and Editor: Sean Scanlan, Associate Professor of English, New York City College of Technology, The City University of New York 


Email: [email protected], [email protected]


NANO: New American Notes Online is published by and receives support from:

New York City College of Technology, CUNY

300 Jay Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201



Eric Bergesen, Martlet Advisors, LLC (humanities)
Melissa Bradshaw, Loyola University Chicago (modern poetry, material culture, women’s writing, celebrity studies, lgbtqi studies)
Mark Bruce, Bethel University (literature)
Johannes Burgers, Queensborough Community College (modernism, Jewish studies, critical race theory)
Tom Burke, TowerData, Inc (technology)
Jeff Carlson, Independent Scholar (literature and culture)
Michael Chasar, Willamette University (poetry and popular culture)
Eric Colvard, Wayne State College (history)
J.P. Craig, Alabama State University (literature)
Jacob Crane, Bentley University (Diaspora/Black Atlantic Studies; Nineteenth-century, African American, and Jewish American Literature)​​​​​
Brian Deutschendorf, University of Iowa (literature)
Mark Dowdy, San Jose State University (literature)
Jen Dutton, children’s book author (literature)
Matthew Eatough, Baruch College (postcolonial literature, modernism, African literature)
Tara Robbins Fee, Washington and Jefferson College (English)
Hugh Ferrer, University of Iowa (International Writing Program)
Keith Wilhite, Siena College (American literature)
Ruth Garcia, New York City College of Technology (Eighteenth-century literature, women’s writing, cultural studies)
Caroline Gelmi, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth (literature and communication)
Michael Germana, West Virginia University (literature)
Adeline Koh, Independent Scholar (postcolonial studies, literature)
John Loughlin, Independent Scholar (film and cinematography)
Kembrew McLeod, University of Iowa (communication)
Sam Metta-Bexar, Arizona Western College (communication, English)
Matt Miller, Yeshiva University (literature)
Tram Nguyen, Hostos Community College (modernism and women's writing)
Dianna Niebylski,  University of Illinois, Chicago (Latin American literature and culture, gender studies)
Patrick O’Connor, Massachusetts College of Art and Design (film and technology)
Jacqueline O’Dell, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth (American literature and popular culture)
Cheeni Rao, novelist, Iowa City Book Doctors (writing)
Danny Sexton, Queensborough Community College (Victorian literature, science fiction, gender, and masculinity studies)
Jennifer Sherer, University of Iowa Labor Center (humanities)
Jeffrey Swenson, Hiram College (English)
Ingrid Walker, University of Washington, Tacoma (American cultures)
Angela Warfield, St. Louis Community College (literature)